I am so in love with my little family! My husband's the best guy around, my girls are so beautiful, and Matthew is a little charmer. This week has been great and full of surprises. For example, this morning as I walked Kelsey to the bus stop, I realized how big she's getting! As a mother, you have some days that seem like they will never end, then suddenly your child looks all grown up and starts conversing more and more like a grown-up. It's bittersweet. Yesterday she was trying to get me to let her play her favorite game on the computer. When I told her no, she responded, "But Mom, I don't often get to play it." Often!!! I'm sure that was a milestone, right?
I read somewhere that the thing about parenthood is at first you hate waching the fingerprints from the wall, then they get higher and higher. One day they're gone. My kids are growing so quickly. I resolve to love every minute of it. (Or almost every minute, anyway)
I've posted some new pictures of Macey for all of you to enjoy!
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Posted by WaltonFam